Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeGameMerge Poker Network to Allow New US keluaran hk Accounts

Merge Poker Network to Allow New US keluaran hk Accounts


The second-largest US-friendly poker network in the world, the Merge Gaming Network, will allow American players to resume signing up for their network starting today. This has been confirmed by numerous Merge skins.


Merge Network experienced a huge surge of new members after keluaran hk Friday. The majority of these players were American players looking for a place to call their poker home. It temporarily stopped accepting new American sign-ups over four months ago to better prepare the network for the new traffic it experienced. Since then, the traffic on the Merge network has gone back down to where it was before Black Friday.


Unfortunately, not all poker players in America will be able to sign up for the booming poker network. New players from Washington D.C., Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Missouri, New York, and Washington will not be allowed to create accounts as these states have very strict laws against gambling.


Merge has been very mum about the allowing American players to create new accounts again. It has been rumored that this is due to it trying to avoid any US law enforcement agency. Keep your internet browser open to FlopTurnRiver for any updates on this story and others!


I swims with the fishes


Yes, it’s bad grammar.  Duh.

Ok, so when I started this poker journey, it was more of a fluke.  Maybe that is why I am now shown as a fish on Sharkscope.  It’s true, look me up.  I don’t pretend to be great or hide from my mediocrity.  I am what I am.


That in mind, Yesterday I started over.  Yesterday I set a goal.  That goal is to have made $50 in profit in poker by the end of March.  This is a hefty goal for me starting out, as I just invested my second $50 buy in to FTP yesterday as well.  My stats are incredibly fishy, my playing skills seem to be struggling and I still slug my way through it.  I think my win percentage is almost nill at this point.  But I’m working on a plan.  You can tell me I’m crazy and should give up, actually, that might be helpful 😉


The plan: On Feb 25th, invest $50 into your FTP account, bringing total investment to $100.  (Completed)


Play 1-3 $2 SNG standard 9-person events at FTP each poker day (not every day is a poker day).  Review hand histories and details on what happened and why.   Develop course of action each session to resolve struggles, challenges, and then implement that plan.


So today is day 2.  Tonight when I get home I will read my hand histories from yesterday and see where I screwed up.  I played 3 events yesterday, all within the plan and all failed.  One was a bubble out, one was 5th place and one was around 6-7th.


My bubble out I know was lack of aggression.  Aggression is something I’m struggling with, as when I tend to get too aggressive I get smacked, obviously I’m picking the wrong cards to be aggressive with.


Lessons learned yesterday:


1) Calling a weak player’s all-in when you are short stacked but holding A-K0 doesn’t always work out, he drew out to 4 Sevens.


2) My percentage of hands played is small, but I’m not clearning enough chips in those hands to stay in the running.  Need to play bigger hands more aggressively to pull more chips (hopefully).


3) Position play is incredibly important, yet the A-rag donks will play from any position, and sometimes you have to play A-Ts from early position when your M is low.


Ok… so that is where we are at.  I am officially a FISH at this point.  I want to lose the fish and at least become a break even player before the end of March.  Can I do it?  Stay tuned, advice encouraged and appreciated.




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